Executive Coaching Service

Executive Coaching Service

Today’s working environment creates stress and performance anxiety in managers and makes managers more and more lonely. Executive coaching is mainly aimed at providing behavioral skills related to the competencies needed by managers.

While executive coaching increases the effectiveness, performance and management skills of the manager, it also raises awareness about the balance between work and private life.

In this process, the coach and manager work together to achieve maximum personal and organizational impact. In Executive Coaching sessions, on the agenda determined by the manager; topics such as goal setting, conflict management, decision making, mood management, leadership styles, leadership barriers, balance and change issues, virtuous leadership; Tools such as vision, mission and values ​​studies, SWOT analysis, time management, executive wheel, life wheel and NLP techniques are used.

Executive Coaching service is completed in 12 months, with a total of 12 sessions in 1 session=max.75 minutes of meetings held once a month. The service is provided live and interactively on the zoom platform.

Working with ICF-MCC Certified Coaches: 850 TL +18% VAT / 1 Session

Working with ICF-PCC Certified Coaches: 650 TL +18% VAT / 1 Session

Working with Coaches with Vocational Qualification Certificate or ICF-ACC Title: 450 TL +18% VAT / 1 Session

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