Student Coaching Certificate Program for School Teachers and Administrators

Student Coaching Certificate Program for School Teachers and Administrators

This program is specially designed for educators and administrators who want to coach their students’ academic and social success journey. The program aimed to teach coaching skills and effective teaching techniques by improving the communication skills of the participants. If you enjoy working with students and want to coach the representatives of our future to discover themselves and achieve maximum performance in their lives, you can take the first step with our student coaching program.
⦁ Determining your individual goals more strategically,
⦁ Motivating your students to think goal-oriented,
⦁ To communicate more effectively with new generation students,
⦁ To communicate more deeply with your students by developing active listening skills,
⦁ Using coaching as a method in classroom management,
⦁ Keeping your own awareness and awareness of your students high,
⦁ To gain the ability to observe your feelings, thoughts and behaviors,
⦁ Getting to know your values ​​more deeply,
⦁ Determining your limits and priorities,
⦁ Contributing to your personal development,
⦁ Developing family relationships,
⦁ To communicate better with your school administrator and teacher friends in your business life,
⦁ To learn a method that you can adapt to your profession,
⦁ Determining strategic goals and action steps related to your business life,
⦁ To prepare for a second career plan,
⦁ Obtaining a second job as a retirement plan,
⦁ To learn many techniques such as speed reading, efficient study, memory techniques, test solving that will support the education life of your students and your child,
⦁ To learn techniques that will relieve your students and children’s exam anxiety,

– Instructor,
– Psychology,
– Psychological Counseling,
– therapy,
– Family counselling,
– Giving advice,
– Guidance Service,
– Instructor,
– It is not to make the decisions about the student’s life.


Step 1: Classroom Education: Education is given with a formal education model of 6 days x 9 hours 54 hours. Group work and games are used as tools in education.

Step 2: Coaching Practice: A 6-hour practice workshop is held one month after the training.

Step 3: Dovecoach Evaluation Exam: At the end of Step 2, it is mandatory to pass 80% of the multiple-choice exam.

Accredited “Student Coaching Certificate” from AC (Association for Coaching) Coaching Association and ICF (International Coaching Federation) is given to people who meet all the above conditions. Candidates who fail the exam can repeat the exam. Participants who do not want to repeat the process are only given a certificate of participation.

In order for the program to be effective, it is important to adapt it to your school’s climate. 

If you prefer us to call you, we will contact you within 24 hours if you enter your contact information from the contact menu or by clicking “I want to receive information” on the right of your screen.

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